When your super imaginative four-year-old dresses in costume 80% of the time and then has a couple costume-changes during the day, your house is pretty much unpresentable 100% of the time. Seriously, it looks like her closet threw up in her room and then took a dump in the form of costume jewelry. Have you […]
Valentines Roundup
Be Mine
I LOVE Valentine’s Day…maybe a little too much. The day that the Christmas decorations come down Cupid comes in and vomits red, pink and white EVERYWHERE! I have loved this “non-holiday” since I was little and my mom made a huge deal out of us (my dad, brother, sister and me) being her Valentine. Even […]
DIY: Wreath Chandelier
Here we are a week before Christmas and I know the last thing on your mind is how you are displaying your greeting cards. You have probably had them displayed gorgeously since they started appearing in your mailbox after Thanksgiving. This DIY is one you may want to file away to try next year. It’s […]