Last year was the first year that our daughter understood a lot of the holiday festivities. One of those was Elf on the Shelf. Before anyone gets all huffy on me…I know Elf on the Shelf has NOTHING to do with the true meaning of Christmas. I also know it’s kind of creepy and maybe not […]
Eye Spy: Turning Back the Clock on your Eyes
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” Audrey Hepburn How am I supposed to follow up such a great, deep quote with a superficial post about eye creams and concealer? Like I do […]
Holiday Photo Shoot: What I Wish I Knew the First Time Around
Braided Scarves
Scarves are hands down one of my favorite accessories. Whether it’s chunky ones during the colder months or gauzy ones in spring and summer, I always buy lots of scarves. Mostly because they are multitasking mavens; they can hide any hiccups of the day (coffee spill, baby spit-up, you name it) and make an outfit […]
Disneyland with Babies and Toddlers: Part 2
The toughest part about Disneyland for me is packing (well, actually the toughest part is negotiating with my daughter to leave for the airport to go home…packing is second to that). I always overpack. Given how many times we have gone, you would think I would be a pro at it. I’m not. While I am […]