I felt the urge to respost this oldie. Mostly as a reminder to myself that maybe I should change out of my yoga pants more often. Below is a picture of my daughter. Check out her snazzy outfit. I asked her what she was dressed as and she responded “I’m dressed like a mom”.
“Oh, awesome!” I responded as my insides were churning. I mentally scanned my outfits to see if I really dressed as pictured.
Now go back even further to a few days ago, we went to our favorite juice place and the sweet gal who works there told me she didn’t recognize me in “real clothes” and if we were doing something special that day. Mind you, I was wearing jeans and a blouse…not a cocktail dress! You know what the worst part was…I was going to the dentist. That was why I actually got dressed. So embarrassing! The universe is trying to tell me to hang up my yoga pants for “real clothes”…I’m just NOT ready!!
Here is my love story to my yoga pants from awhile back:
If you see me out and about, chances are super high that I am wearing black yoga pants (like an 88% chance). If you know me, right now you are totally thinking back to the time you saw me at Starbucks/Nordstrom/Costco and shaking your head in agreement. Don’t worry they aren’t the same pair, apparently I own more pairs than what should probably be allowed.
Here are some reasons why my black yoga pants have become second skin:
1) The obvious– it looks like I am either coming from or going to gym. My pants say; I have purpose, I’m not lazy. I’m committed to being healthy…I’m not eating my feelings at 3pm when it’s the witching hour at my house. Many days my pants and I really do go to the gym and somedays we just go to Target. {When I say ‘just’ I want you to know that there is no ‘just’ going to Target with kids. It is a production on a whole new level…I was in the bandage aisle one time and checked out with almost $200 work of scar treatment lotions and creams that a sneaky toddler threw in my cart} The pants serve their purpose either way.
2) They hide stains really well. Spilled that third cup of coffee on yourself? Oh well! Bring on the fourth!
Baby spit up all over you? It’s ok, no one can see! Just rub it off with a baby wipe {then use the rest of the pack of wipes to clean the inside of your car…or do I just do that?}.
Laugh too hard or sneeze and then tinkle yourself a little? Shhhhh…No one will know, it’s our secret.
3) Why do I specify ‘black’ yoga pants? Because black makes legs look trimmer and longer! They do for your body what heels do, but won’t hurt your feet. I know what you’re thinking…hey maybe I should try a black bodysuit to make everything look trim and long…nope that just gives you camel toe. Don’t do it.
4) They are so comfy and always seem to fit! The stretchy waistband is as close to maternity pants as I can get without having that awful panel. You can go to an all-you-can-eat-buffet and eat away. They remind me of that Friends episode where Joey wears maternity pants to Thanksgiving. Wait are some of you even old enough to have watched Friends?! Totally hanging my head in shame. {But if you were too young you should watch the series asap…they don’t make TV like that anymore– made myself sound even older, didn’t I?}.
5) If I look all disheveled at any point in the day, others have no idea if it is because I didn’t have time to get ready {you know, because you spend all of your time trying to get a toddler to go potty, brush teeth and get dressed…which is helping develop some serious government-worthy negotiation skills} …or maybe I had a killer day at crossfit/bikram/soul cycle/etc. See the mystery behind it?? Nope? Yeah it’s definitely the former and not the latter.
Ok, so those are my top five reasons…I could go on but you get the point. Just to give you an example of how deep I am in this; one of my daughter’s first 50 words was Lululemon {still very cutely pronounced ‘yooyooyemon’}.
Oh and I am totally aware that this post will work against me and now when you see me out and about with my BFF pants you will think a) did she really go to the gym today? OR b) did she piss herself? Oops!!
With love,
P.S. The pink image above is courtesy of someecards. I didn’t make that one up. Thanks to whomever did. Spot on!
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