One of my favorite things about this crazy blogosphere are the super cool people you “meet” out there in the world of social media. The support from fellow bloggers is something that I really cherish. Also, I totally love reading their posts! It’s like a one-stop shop (except not really because there are a bunch of blogs I follow) for style, travel, health and food inspiration. Also, when I think I am losing my mind with the chaos of my perfectly imperfect life… it’s nice to see I’m not alone.
I was nominated for the Liebster Award by some pretty awesome ladies. Thank you so much to:
Nicole from
Alison from
Lucy from
Alicia from
There are different variations of the Liebster Award that I’ve seen. But essentially it’s an awesome way to meet other fairly newish bloggers.
Because I am the world’s biggest procrastinator (seriously, there may be record of that) I am going to try to consolidate your questions here as best as I can. I know, I know…I’m totally fired because I suck at following rules. This is why I am a really bad cook too…recipes and measurements are merely suggestions in my mind.
- Why did you start blogging? I started my blog as a creative outlet. I transitioned into being a stay-at-home-mom (well kind of) 3 years ago. My blog helps give me a little piece of my own space where I can write and just be me.
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would go back to Paris. My four-year-old has never been, but she is obsessed with all things French thanks to Fancy Nancy and really wants to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
- Are you a stay at home mom or working mom? So this one is kind of confusing. I guess I’m a work-from-home-mom. I am a recruiter and own a recruiting company. However, I am not actively seeking candidates. Reason being is that every time I have to take a call, my children find me and act like they are under attack screaming at the top of their lungs. As much as I tried to work around nap-times and babysitters, it hasn’t worked for me. Yet….To be continued…
- Do you find time to fit exercise into your busy week? YES!!!! This is how I stay calm. (Not really calm, but how about non-catatonic). I try to get to the gym 4-5 times a week for at least an hour. It’s my ME time.
- Do you have “date night” with your hubs? How often during the month? Yes, although sometimes it’s a date-day. Which is great too! Gosh it varies…last month I think we got one in. Other months maybe 2? We have rules: no talking about work, the kids or football during football season (we don’t see eye-to-eye on teams). So we just sit there at dinner and stare at each other because we have nothing to talk about. Just kidding!!! Kind of.
- Do you like to cook? If yes, what ? Only on two conditions: I don’t have to clean and I can totally mess up on the recipe and not kill anyone. I have this totally overwhelming and irrational fear that I will under-cook meat and wipe out my family. I love making veggie noodles with my sprilizer. If I share a recipe on my blog, it’s because it’s that easy.
- What is your favorite quote? I have so many but love this one by Maya Angelou, “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”
- What is your Starbucks order? Well this is boring as it’s either a black iced coffee or soy misto. But fun fact: I have a Starbucks alias ‘Sue’ because taking the time to spell my name with two littles rearranging their food case just takes too long. So if you see me around town with a cup with “Sue” scrawled on it…don’t worry, I didn’t steal someone’s coffee.
I nominate:
Tash from
Michelle from
Christina from
Krish from
Rachel from
Here are my questions if you choose to play along please answer, come up with your own and nominate 5 other bloggers and HAVE FUN:
- What’s your favorite time of day and why?
- Is there a blogpost topic that has been on your mind, but you have been nervous to post? If so what?
- What is your favorite part of your house and why?
- Your favorite children’s book to read?
- What made you want to start a blog?
- How did you come up with your blog’s name?
- Favorite TV show?
- What traditions did you have as a child that you are continuing with your children?
- What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
- Section in Target that you spend the most time in?
Thanks so much!! Can’t wait to read your answers!
With love,
Thanks for nominating me! 🙂 loved reading your fun facts! And I totally suck at following the rules too so I get you! 😀
Thanks, Tash! I love your blog posts! xo