Last year was the first year that our daughter understood a lot of the holiday festivities. One of those was Elf on the Shelf. Before anyone gets all huffy on me…I know Elf on the Shelf has NOTHING to do with the true meaning of Christmas. I also know it’s kind of creepy and maybe not the healthiest thing to do developmentally to a child. But last year it gave me close to a month of pretty darn good behavior while at the height of terrible twos and adjusting to life with a new baby brother. You better believe I took that month and went with it. Not to mention how excited little miss was to run around looking for our elf named Elfeanor. And the look on her face when she found her…priceless!
Not only was she entertained, but my sister also requested daily Elfeanor updates. So the pressure was on, I had an audience to impress!! I scoured Pinterest and found such clever ideas!! You Elf parents out there take it to the next level and I like it!! My goals for the placement of the elf was where our daughter wouldn’t grab it and setup would be easy enough to do the morning of if need be.
Here are some of Elfeanor’s antics.

This year I will be calling upon the Barbie convertible one day and I saw an adorable one where the elf is fishing using a wooden dowel and goldfish crackers at the sink. As excited as I am for a little elf-induced good behavior…I am dreading drifting to sleep and being jolted awake with the realization that I forgot to move our elf. Oh well! Price to be paid, I guess 😉 If you really want a chuckle, go check out some of the reviews on Amazon for Elf on the Shelf.
With love,
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